In this article we’re going to explore what it actually means to be stressed, how we can alleviate stress and some common misconceptions around stress management.

First things first, let’s get on the same page about what stress actually is …

The Mental Health Foundation explains stress as “Our body’s response to pressure. Many different situations or life events can cause stress. It is often triggered when we experience something new or unexpected that threatens our sense of self or when we feel we have little control over a situation. We all deal with stress differently”.

The Preconceived Threat

Stress serves us when we need to shift into fight or flight mode and that’s a wonderful intelligence of our body yet oftentimes for “busy professionals” our stressors don’t center around our need to release cortisol in a life threatening situation. Yet, our body responds like we’re facing a severe threat of life or death. In this article, it is my aim to teach you how to notice when you’re stressed in the moment so that you can transform it without carrying the stress with you the rest of your day (and even your life).

Understanding Energies Within the Body

Neuroanatomist, Dr. Jill Bolte discovered that when we’re triggered and feel a strong emotion – it takes 90 seconds for the chemical response to work its way through our body (you can check out her brilliant TED talk here). Unfortunately, when most of us feel an emotion we don’t want to feel, we constrict … we tighten and do anything we can to avoid feeling this feeling. As it relates to stress, I invite you to think back to a stressor that occurred within the past 24 hours. Sidenote: I’m sure you won’t have to think too hard to find a stressful situation within the past day which is an eye-opening state of our mental health in itself. With that said, remember the situation … 

What did you do?

For most people I talk with (that is my clients, colleagues, my previous self and even my current self from time to time) … we avoid feeling the stress. It looks different for everyone yet a common example is going to food to numb ourselves from feeling the energy rising within. The body heats up, the mind starts to race and we’ll do anything to avoid having to sit with that feeling. Then what happens next?

Well, you already guessed it … for a “busy professional” trying to satisfy clients, co-workers, and meet deadlines, there are often fires that need to be tended to. Now, there’s a whole new layer of stress with heavier heart pounding implications. Once again, we avoid feeling the chemical response to stress. By the time we get home, we just want a glass of wine, a good meal, and to plant ourselves on the couch to fix our gaze on the flat screen tv mounted on the wall.

It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way!

Instead of avoiding your feelings throughout the day, please understand that emotions are energy in motion. When you feel an emotion, slow down and allow yourself to be with that emotion because as science teaches us; our body will process that emotion in about 90 seconds. Yet, if we don’t allow ourselves to feel the emotion, the energy gets stuck and stored within the body. When the energy gets stuck within the body, what remains is the story we tell ourselves about why we feel the way we feel rather than the feeling itself.

When unprocessed and neglected energies start to pile up on one another; a good day can easily turn into a stressful day which leaks into our habits and behaviors outside of the workplace.

The American Psychological Association states “Stress involves changes affecting nearly every system of the body, influencing how people feel and behave. By causing mind–body changes, stress contributes directly to psychological and physiological disorder and disease and affects mental and physical health, reducing quality of life.”

Here’s What You Can Do Instead

In my upcoming book, Overcome The Overwhelm”, I’m sharing a simple 6-Step B.R.E.A.T.H. Process that guides you feeling the stress (or any emotion) to process it and move through it within just a couple of minutes!

This isn’t about adding more things to your day, rather it’s about building moment to moment awareness. Anyone that’s seeking more peace within is really just looking to understand how they can feel more present in any given moment. I’m giving you the fast-pass for “professional enlightenment” (if you will). Honestly, this framework is what the deepest of seekers would do to help them feel more at ease in any given moment and the best part for you is that it’s not about studying for years, experimenting with different healing modalities, it’s simply by following 6 practical steps when you notice you are feeling an emotion that you rather not feel.

How’s that sound?
Ready to learn it?!

Slow inhales, longer and slower exhales. 

#2. FEEL.
Relax into your body by connecting to your breath and feel what’s arising. 

Emotions are energy in motion, what are these energies here to shine a light on?

Accept what is. Until you accept it, it’ll only intensify. Surrender to the lesson being revealed. 

Now’s the time for positivity! What’s this lesson teaching you? How can you shift this into an empowering belief? Don’t overthink it, what’s your positive affirmation coming through?

What new habits and behaviors will support this new belief?

This is the
6-Step B.R.E.A.T.H. Process put into action – in as little as just a few minutes. My upcoming book, “Overcome The Overwhelm”, walks you through this process and the science and case studies that back it up – this framework works and for even more ease you can think of the 6 steps in three simple themes. When you notice the emotion, first breathe, then allow yourself to feel it, and finally think intentionally.

Just Breathe.

Harvard Health describes the effects of unaddressed stressors as “Research suggests that chronic stress contributes to high blood pressure, promotes the formation of artery-clogging deposits, and causes brain changes that may contribute to anxiety, depression, and addiction.”

According to GITNUX, “73% Experience Stress That Impacts Their Mental Health”, so as you can see this is a real issue that must be addressed.

“55% of Americans Report that STRESS Impacts Their Day … The Global Average is 35%” – GITNUX

There is a way through and it’s as simple as these practical 6 steps. If you’re resonating with this and you’d like to learn more please let me know. Additionally, if you’re interested in sharing this with your colleagues and or bringing me in to speak at an event, you may want to check out the link here.

Just Breathe,

About the Author

Sam Kabert is a certified yoga instructor, breathwork facilitator, podcaster, and public speaker. His book, “SOUL/Life Balance,” is a No. 1 bestseller. Learn more about his work at  

At 31 years old, Sam made Silicon Valley’s 40 under 40 list recognizing his serial entrepreneur drive and million dollar business. Externally, Sam appeared successful. Internally, he was falling apart. 

In 2019, a ruptured relationship revealed feelings of overwhelm that had been numbed by decades of indulgence in food, alcohol, and business achievements. Ego aside, he embraced a path of self-discovery, spirituality, and soul purpose. An intentional journey that’s culminated in a proven, minutes-long, 6 Step B.R.E.A.T.H. Process that now helps “busy professionals” access inner peace and “Overcome The Overwhelm,” the title of his 6th book.

Passionate about bridging the gap between workplace culture and mental health, Sam’s mission is to teach accessible tools that overcome overwhelm. His ultimate goal is to help eradicate the glorification of Hustle Culture, while encouraging an expansion of Compassionate Leadership.